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The Connecticut Association of Student Councils offers a number of awards to recognize the hard work of both local Student Councils/Governments as well as their advisors and student leaders.  We also encourage all Student Councils/Governments to apply for NASC awards. Click on a button below to jump to the section you want, or scroll through all of the sections.

Council/Government Recognition

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CASC Council of Excellence Award (HS)

The Council of Excellence Award has been designed to honor commitment to student leadership development in our state association through following the standards for Connecticut’s student councils and governments. We know there is so much special work that goes on everyday in your schools that help students develop their leadership potential. Please take time to compile the information on the checklist so that your school can be recognized. We hope that student councils and governments can use this award as a stepping-stone towards achieving NASC recognition.

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TOP Projects Award (HS)

The Top Projects Award recognizes Student Councils/Governments across our association that have established a group project showcasing their creativity and collaboration as a group to betterthemselves, their community, or other communities. If your council/government is selected as a Top Project, your council/government will be invited to present at our Spring Convention and receive recognition for your project.

NASC National Council of Excellence

Strong Student Councils are essential to strong schools. NASC’s National Council of Excellence (NCOE) Awards recognize and celebrate middle and high school Student Councils that meet high standards and demonstrate evidence of student service, leadership, voice, and engagement.

Student Leader Recognition

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Dale Hawley Award
(HS and MS)

The Dale Hawley Award recognizes individual students for both achievement, potential in their student leadership experiences and development. Dale Hawley’s life was dedicated to youth, service and to the development of student  leaders, as a principal and director of the National Association of Student Councils. Voting should be held amongst your council/ government members to decide the student you will be nominating for this Award. This award is presented to one student at the spring convention.

NASC Distinguished Student Leaders Program

The National Association of Student Council (NASC) Distinguished Student Leader Program is a rigorous and challenging skill- and knowledge-based recognition program created to identify outstanding individual student council leaders in high schools. Students who earn the NASC Distinguished Student Leader designation have demonstrated exemplary leadership abilities.

NASC Emerging Student Leader Program

Great leaders are not born—they practice—and the best practice starts early. With NASC's Emerging Student Leader program, middle level students have their own recognition program that identifies outstanding student council leaders who have made significant strides in developing their skills as young leaders. Students who earn the Emerging Student Leader designation have shown strong leadership aptitude and a willingness to continue improving.

Advisor Recognition

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Ron Nedovich Advisor of the Year Award (HS and MS)

The Ron Nedovich Advisor of the Year Award is given in memory of the former Executive Director of the Connecticut Association of Student Councils (CASC). Mr. Nedovich personified commitment to student development and leadership development. He recognized that leadership is an essential part of a student’s education. CASC is pleased to present this award not only to recognize a single recipient but to highlight the many contributions made by all advisers throughout our state.

NASC Warren E. Shull Advisor of the Year Award

Each year, the Warren E. Shull Award is presented to middle level and high school student council advisers who demonstrate exemplary character, leadership, and commitment to young people and their development as student leaders.

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