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Mock Legislative Session Day

Mock Legislative Session Day is a hands on opportunity for student council/government members from across Connecticut to work with the Connecticut General Assembly staff and legislators to learn how a bill becomes a law.

Time & Location

  • Monday, November 28: Registration Deadline.

  • Wednesday, November 30 (7PM-8:30PM): Mandatory Zoom prep session with Non-Partisan Staff.

  • Wednesday, December 7 (7PM-8:30PM): Mandatory Zoom prep session with Non-Partisan Staff.

  • Monday, Dec 19, 2022 (9AM-3PM): Mock Legislative Session Day, Capitol building in Hartford.


About the Event

CASC, in partnership with Connecticut General Assembly, is proud to announce a Mock Legislative Session Day in the Capitol Building on Monday, December 19, 2022 from 9AM-3PM.  Mock Legislative Session Day is an opportunity for student council/government members from across Connecticut to work with the Connecticut General Assembly staff and legislators to learn how a bill becomes a law. Students will experience the committee and public hearing process, bill analysis, fiscal analysis, and the process of putting a bils intentions into legal language, in preparation for Mock Session where students will debate their mock legislation on the House Floor.


This is an incredible educational experience giving student council/government members the opportunity to gain a better understanding of the legislative process in a hands-on way. 


  • This educational experience is $10.00 for students from CASC Schools and includes lunch and all necessary supplies.

  • Students can choose from 3 student driven topics of local or state concern.

  • Students should be interested in entering a public service profession or seeking public office in the future.

  • The program includes 1 mandatory zoom orientation meeting before the live event in Hartford.





Mon, Dec 19, 9:15 am -3:00 pm

9:15-9:45 Short tour of the Capitol complex ending at hearing room 1A.


9:45-10:00 Welcome, introductions, go over schedule and process for the day etc. 


10:00-10:30  Review the non-partisan process: LCO bills drafts, OLR report and OFA note; review trade offs


10:30-10:50 Introduction to the legislative session format. Brief intro to role of the committee and screening process.


10:50-11:00 Break


11:00-12:00 Pseudo Committees/ Caucus Groups 

  • Break into 6 pro/oppo groups. Each group brings a list of questions/information they have developed in the pre-trainings. CGA staff and legislators are assigned to groups to guide students in the process of the floor debate, development of comments and questions for the session.  


12:00-12:30 Lunch in Café

  • Opportunity to lobby for support, ask friends to speak on your bills, etc. 


12:30-12:45 Walk to House Chambers

  • Opportunity to lobby for support, ask friends to speak on your bills, etc.


12:45-1:00 Introduction to House Etiquette 


1:00-1:15 Intro to House voting process/electronics


1:15-1:30 Pro/Oppo Caucus meetings on the House floor


1:30-3:00 Mock Legislative Session in the House Chamber


3:00-3:30 Wrap up and photos

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